29th of May 2017, Ghana
What a blessing it was to spend time broadcasting live at Fafaa FM, where Evangelist Emmanuel Ketaman Evortepe was so gracious to be my host and translator.
Thank you sir, words will never be enough to express my sincere appreciation, but surely my Father in heaven will reward and honour you. Pastor Harrison my brother and helper I appreciate your help and connection. The crew at Fafaa FM I thank you all for such wonderful work.
Friday 2nd June 2017, Ghana
It was such a priviledge meeting with these wonderful women at Global Evangelical Church Aborgame – Anloga. The church is at least 10 minutes walk through a farm and sandy park apart from driving distance. I was so honoured they all showed up on the night, not only in time but with such appreciation and love.
I give God all the glory for His continued grace and favour. With a grateful heart I thank Reverend Gerson Borkorlrdzl for hosting me and also acting as my translator.
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